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- Families, Law, and Society: Children, Sexuality, and the Law (2015, Hardcover) read online book FB2, MOBI, EPUB


American political and legal culture is uncomfortable with children's sexuality. While aware that sexual expression is a necessary part of human development, law rarely contemplates the complex ways in which it interacts with children and sexuality. Just as the law circumscribes children to a narrow range of roles--either as entirely sexless beings or victims or objects of harmful adult sexual conduct--so too does society tend to discount the notion of children as agents in the domain of sex and sexuality. Where a small body of rights related to sex has been carved out, the central question has been the degree to which children resemble adults, not necessarily whether minors themselves possess distinct and recognized rights related to sex, sexual expression, and sexuality.Children, Sexuality, and the Law reflects on some of the unique challenges that accompany children in the broader context of sex, exploring from diverse perspectives the ways in which children emerge in sexually related dimensions of law and contemporary life. It explores a broad range of issues, from the psychology of children as sexual beings to the legal treatment of adolescent consent. This work also explores whether and when children have a right to expression as understood within the First Amendment.The first volume of its kind, Children, Sexuality, and the Law goes beyond the traditional discourse of children as victims of adult sexual deviance by highlighting children as agents and rights holders in the realm of sex, sexuality, and sexual orientation.

Book Families, Law, and Society: Children, Sexuality, and the Law (2015, Hardcover) by in FB2, PDF, MOBI

Marital Rape documents wide ranging and fluid understandings of sex, consent, and rape in marriage; such an array of perspectives demands an international and interdisciplinary approach to the study of sex and gender-based violence.What is more, it cannot be beaten at the price - as is becoming of a leading book on competition law."Stefan Enchelmaier, The fourth edition of this book, now co-authored by Valentine Korah and Ioannis Lianos, includes substantially more material on UK competition law and on the economics of competition.Each selection is preceded by a brief introduction and each of the five parts opens with an introduction.In Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics , author Scott Emerson, one of Kaplan's most sought-after LSAT instructors, clearly outlines the steps needed to approach the different types of reading comprehension questions a test taker would encounter on the actual LSAT, and offers engaging and effective strategies to help students master the exam and get into the law school of their choice.It shifts research from a predominantly national context to one that places transnational, national and local lawmaking and practice within a single, coherent, analytic frame.Entrancing, subtle, and tragically poetic." -- Kirkus Reviews (starred review) "Full of dazzling insight and empathy." -- Refinery 29 A sly, provocative, and psychologically astute debut story collection from a 2015 Whiting Award winner In Leopoldine Core's stories, you never know where you are going to end up.It also analyzes the modern tendency to include lesbian women in the criminal discourse as an effect of the medicalization of homosexuality and the growing influence of medical discourse on the law.Commercial sex is the occupation of a significant portion of the women of the world, providing economic support for millions of people and their families.If, by contrast, the nurse hands you a tiny, squawling creature with the face of an old man and skin covered in goo, hand it back immediately.Players must participate in processes of play to move the game forward.